
My random thoughts and ideas for your edification and enjoyment.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Website of the Day: Junk Food Mecca
Links to all our favorites!


Thursday, January 29, 2004

Another Useless Personality Quiz 

Which Founding Father Are You?


Monday, January 19, 2004


It was a rather busy weekend. Action packed, indeed. On Friday night , Mark G. and I taped the first episode of WMDtv, which will air the hour before the live show THIS FRIDAY on DATV in Dayton, OH. Saturday was a fullschedule of teaching trumpet at the studio. And Sunday was the SOC Winter Awards Dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

Lord of the Rings: Two Towers

Finally got to fit this one in over the weekend. WOW, what a MUCh better movie than the first one. I can't wait for Return of the King to make it to DVD.

Last Week's Enterprise

Last week's episode was quite good actually. Liberals will hate it because they want everybody to think that if we leave the terrorists alone, everything will be okay. The moral of this episode was that without intervention, terrorists will destroy the world. Action must be taken in order to prevent terrorists from carrying out their jihad...

At least, that's what I got out of it...

All the News that is Fit to Print...

Until next time...


Thursday, January 15, 2004


Hey Gang! Tomorrow is the day! Mark and I are going to get together in the morning and finish up the show prep and then head on up to the studio for the taping of Episode One!!!

Show Prep: Mailbag

Our good BlogFriend, Doctor Lobster, sent us a few questions in an email that we'll use on the show for the Mailbag segment.


...has been BRUTAL...or rather...boring. The sales force is off at the kick off meeting this week. Fortunately, I'm taking tomorrow off...


Gotta have it... Great show... I hope there are some cool special features.

Poker on TV

Rumor has it, there is a Travel Channel show on poker...has anybody seen it?


Monday, January 05, 2004

A Few Things... 

It has been a few days since I've had anything useful to say, so I thought I'd take a moment to express a few things that I have been meaning to get to...

World Series of Poker

This was great stuff! Chris Moneymaker, the youngster who got his seat at the table by winning an online tournament that cost him $40, wins it all! Very exciting! ESPN coverage was quite good too...

You're either SWAT or you're not!

Got the DVD and WOW I love this movie. Good special features too...although I was still left wanting more...

DVD Time

While we're talking about DVDs...

No, I still haven't gotten around to that special edition of Dances With Wolves, and now I have added another long movie to the pile: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. And yes, it is the long version...


Been getting ready for the launch of our show on public access. I just acquired a couple of cheap laptops that we'll be using on set. And, my demo of the opening credit sequence was so loved by our producer that he has decided to try and create it for real. The show has got some great music and some quality brains working on the project. I really look forward to doing the show LIVE...

That's All the News That Is Fit to Print...

Until next time...


Saturday, January 03, 2004

Another Useless Personality Test 

For all you fans out there... : ) Here was my results on the 45 question version...

What Classic Movie Are You?


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